Wednesday, May 20, 2009

BPEL Process Manager Server connection :Failed

Hi all,

In the SOA Suite and using Jdev,when trying to create the integration server connection.
The BPEL Process Manager Server fails when you check the details,the error is on the Identiy service says
" ".
The workaround for this is:
Login to EM console goto the oc4j instance Stop and start the hw_services
And goback to Jdev and create the connection again,it succeeds this time.

Happy learning

Saturday, May 9, 2009

FTP Adapter File Archive

The FTP adapter reads the file but does not archive the file in the specied location.
Especially when reading from a remote location.

There is a Property UseRemoteArchive.This property needs to be set to true in the jca:operation of the WSDL and redeploy your process.
The Process starts archiving the file.

Happy learning

OraBPEL-10902 Compilation Failed

Orabpel-10902: Compilation failed
Description :in "bpel.xml", XML parsing failed because "undefined part element.In WSDL at "http://localhost:9700/orabpel/default/RapidDistributors/RapidDistributors?wsdl", message part element "{}ReplyTo" is not defined in any of the schemas.Please make sure the spelling of the element QName is correct and the WSDL import is complete.".Potential fix: n/a.

This is one of the errors during compilation.

In my case what happened was:
1)All the processes were created in and then we migrated to,suddenly all processes which were running on started throwing this error.

After checking all the properties in the Jdev i found this thing.

There is a Property Use Http Proxy,which is in the Tools->Preferences->Web Browser and Proxy
This needs to be uncehcked.
After unchecking this compile the processes again,error gone.
The Http was not able to fetch the WSDL which was causing this error.

Happy Learning